Friday 9 February 2018

"Diary of a Homeless Girl" (a poem)

"Diary of a Homeless Girl" 
written & composed by James Laderoute

It's lonely out here on the streets, which aren't exactly paved with gold.
Some cannot survive out here, to which I am told.
Some cry out in the darkness, hearts are heavy and their minds are full of fear.
Because they don't have their families to fill them full of cheer.

I have no bed to sleep in,
I have no food or drink,
No blanket to shelter me from the bitter cold,
Now I have a fear of never growing old.
I had a fight with my mother, then I ran away,
I wonder if she still loves me to this very day.

Here I sit alone, all alone, on Christmas Eve,
I wipe a lonely tear across my dirty sleeve.
Oh, I long to trim my Christmas tree, and sing carols by the fire.
Oh Lord, this is my one desire,
Just to have my friends and family to be right by my side,
To have my parents be my one true loving guide.

I won't receive any presents, my parents will never come.
I wish I had never run away because now I feel so glum.
I hardly have any friends out here, and the real ones I really miss.
And I often dream about the boy I'll never get to kiss.

What if I can't go home again, or never get a job.
So tonight I'll go to a homeless shelter,
Inside the Holy Church and have my Christmas dinner.
Then everybody will sing of our newborn Savior, "O Jesus Christ the King."

Now I lay dead, frozen in the snow,
The night at the homeless shelter seems so long ago.
Dear Diary, this is my life story and I thought that you should know.
I watch and pray for all the runaways to whom I can see.
I really hope they don't die too soon, to become an Angel like me.

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