Tuesday 13 February 2018



(by Samuel Farrugia)

``...now we see in a mirror darkly, but then we will see face to face. 
Now I know in part,
but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known.``

The curtain's been withdrawn, welcome to our story!
The vanity of our image shines in you!
Our legacy is secure, you're destined for glory!
Your steps we will guide, chosen among the few!
The rule is simple, just one thing you mustn't do!

A haunting whisper is bourn on the evening breeze...
My ears are filled with forbidden truths
Time stands still as I read among the trees
A new script summons me my mask to lose

Flitting through the tranquil wood
a vision of beauty my meditation disturbs
my spirit enquires...No!
Alas, you are not free and I am unknown
Tearing...tore...torn...all claim to you I disown
it seems this battle is mine alone

The old voices are shrill with anger
The veil is removed!  You broke the creed! 
We don't know you anymore!
You're a foreigner, you must leave
Exile awaits you...far beyond the trees

Reeling from revelation, exhaustion makes me kneel
fearful hands grope darkened branches
burdened by shame that fig leaves can't conceal
the setting sun my loneliness enhances

Surrounded by drought, mocked by mirages
My cracked lips bear the kiss of Judas
I'm a pilgrim, I have no home
the black sky has a face of stone
as I lie down alone
I wonder if I will ever be whole
sleep cannot be found
during the long, dark night of the soul

I will return to the garden
to weep among the ancient trees
to mourn that which could have been
Wrapped in sackcloth I collapse beneath the boughs
alas, my weary frame with respite is endowed

In this hallowed space
the Creator manifests grace
nocturnal visions disclose passionate dances
with the one who could dull this ache
lashes flutter...and then, I awake...
your eyes fill mine...your beauty my aimless spirit entrances
Washed in moonlight...your smile to faith speaks a dare
My tortured heart is at once set free
as the curtain closes on my nightmare

I can wish for nothing else
You've introduced me to myself
The sun rises at the end of our embrace
we rise and walk with steady pace
love illuminates the path as we advance...hand in hand
hopeful eyes share a common vision...of the Promised Land.

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