Monday 26 February 2018

I'll be there (a poem)

I'll be there

(by Amos Bohoussou)

When hope you seek,
During the days that seem bleak,
Just take a peek and I'll be there.

When there is no one to be found anywhere,
Don't fall to despair,
I promise I'll be there.

When you think there is no one that will dare to care. Just remember I'll be there.  Yes, I'll be there. I'll be there.

Loneliness in the midst of pure darkness,  arrives the feeling of hopelessness; 
that could without a doubt lead to shear madness. Where can one find a glimpse of joy within a world filled with brokenness, filthiness, sadness, lawlessness, and wickedness? And these infamous things go on and on; they are viciously continuous. Verily, verily not all in this world are saints nor pious. There are many who stand for lies, they don't want the truth their judgment is already bias. But there must be a source somewhere for those who thirst for righteousness
And last time I checked it is not found in the soul. No, it's not down there.

When hope you seek,
During the days that seem bleak,
Just take a peek and I'll be there.

When there is no one to be found anywhere,
Don't fall to despair,
I promise I'll be there.

When you think there is no one that will dare to care.
 Just remember I'll be there.  Yes, I'll be there. I'll be there.

I've been going north, south, east to the west.
I'd tried the many things I thought for me were the best. They weren't satisfactory for me; they did not stand the test. I tried building my home on sinking sand and boy there was no peace nor rest. For when storms came, my home fell apart and became a devastating mess. I will confess that I felt more or less like I had been crushed into nothingness. Then one day I cried out aloud and I am found in this dwelling place where I am surrounded by an abundance of mercy, goodness and loving-kindness. All due to the day when I listened to a still small voice in my stillness. Aww...true happiness.

When hope you seek,
During the days that seem bleak,
Just take a peek and I'll be there.

When there is no one to be found anywhere,
Don't fall to despair,
I promise I'll be there.

When you think there is no one that will dare to care. Just remember I'll be there.  Yes, I'll be there. I'll be there.

1 comment:

Long Defeat

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