Saturday 4 August 2018

It’s all about God. It’s all about love.

(Andrew Bangalan)

It’s all about God. It’s all about love.

We lost something great. Our reverence and love for God. We live in a society were we can do away with God.

But can we really? He still holds all the keys to our life. Success, health, wisdom and imagination. We can’t do a single thing without Him.

We need to pray every day for the simple things we can do. We need to see He is very much a part of our lives.

It's still all about our God and how much He still does for us daily. His love for us transcends all of our sins.

The suns shines daily. The planets in their orbit. The gravity still works to keep us on earth. The plants still grow when we tend to them. That is the thing even when he helps us.

We still need to do stuff to maintain our health. We need to exercise. Eat healthy food. We need to exercise our brains. We need to exercise our compassion. 
We need to keep our ego in check. We need to sacrifice our hunger. Fast once in awhile. Pray daily. We need to exercise our bodies daily.

We need to keep our humility for God is so much greater than us. God vs ants. We are only images. We are not God.
Can you keep planets in orbit? Can you create an element? Can you make the body more perfect than its? The answer is no.

Beauty, art and theology are beyond us but we can try to reach the very least of what God can do. Love of God is to try and be like him. Great saints we can become like them in traits they show their failures and triumphs. We can emulate their goodness.

Cherubim a mythical creature representing a guard to a king. That represents power. Be respectful. You are coming close to God. You are small and unworthy to be here. Remind you that you are a sinner and need to be cleansed.

They have the power of flight because you have no wings. You cannot fly. Usually represented as bulls or lions.
Griffin is another mythical creature that guards gold. Sphinx in Egypt. Seraphim in bible. Guards of paradise in Genesis.
Bulls with human heads that have beards also have wings in Babylonia.

Many versions with different amount of wings. Man for wisdom, eagle for freedom, bull for power, and lion for unbeatable, plus courage of a king.

Sometimes two heads or four symbols of heads for what they represent. Body of lion or bull. All have power of flight.
Creatures in service of God. In the Bible it mentions they sing all the time praising the glory of God.

On top of the ark of covenant. Cherubim. Mercy seat in the middle.
The oracle. Inside the ark. The plan for man the Ten Commandments. On stone tablets. The rest all in gold to represent untold wealth.

Menorah the Hebrew candles to cleanse a defiled temple. The fire and olive oil. Some say represents Jesus. Reminds me of the ladder to heaven. All in gold.
God deserves our best. Most valuable is gold. The shape of the candle holder. Symbol of Jewish people. Represents the Bible. It resembles the universe. Represents Jesus.

So gold is cleansing the air, incense to please the senses for death is never near God. The light of eternal life just as Jesus' word lights our hearts. Incense to keep the smell of death away.

All in love of God. He deserves it daily.
Pray for others for God has made perfect creatures Free will. But loved all the same with the envy of angels. We can be very close to God and His will. It is written in our very DNA. For God is our creator. 

We can love God back. Amen.

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