Friday 9 February 2018

STORY (a poem)


(by Samuel Farrugia)

“So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!”  Second Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians 5.17

The backdrop, the props, the characters have changed
But as for the script, it always remains the same
I want to change my tone of voice,
but I’ve only given myself one choice
In this never-ending story of my life

I want to go back, I want to go on
I’m stuck in limbo, I can’t hang on
I’ve fallen so hard, I’ve fallen so fast
Will I ever find true love at last?

I’ve searched far, I’ve searched wide
For this illusive …..something
I know I need, I can’t define
Something to fill the void inside

Another leap in the dark
Falling…down, down I go
There’s nothing left to grasp
Can’t I hang on to hope?

I said I love you
I’ve removed every shadow of doubt
They hung me so high                                                             
My blood poured out

I felt your pain
I saw your tears
I couldn’t avoid your nightmare
The nails riveted me to your every fear
I made myself naked
I took the gamble
I gave it all …I paid the price
For those who don’t know the purpose of life

What else can I do
To win your heart?
You think you can love without any pain
As all your dreams go down the drain

Are you tired of settling
For second best?
Won’t you come to me…
I’ll give you rest
Take a leap into the light
And let me re-write your life.

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