Friday 9 February 2018

“ON THE ALTAR” (a poem)


(by Samuel Farrugia)

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God,
to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God,
which is your spiritual worship.  Do not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your minds,
so that you may discern what is the will of God—
what is good and acceptable and perfect.”  Letter of St. Paul to the Romans 12.1-2

 You laid yourself down
On the cross
They drove in the nails
And let You die
But You were raised
To be evermore alive

I lay me down
on the altar
Drive in the nails
And let me die
Then raise me up
To new life

Jesus, today I choose
To follow You to the altar
To die with You
To be raised with You
To be one with You
On the altar

So take my life
And give me Yours
I receive your life
On the altar
Re-create me anew in your image
Let me spend my life
On the altar

Jesus, I give myself to You
I lay me down
On the altar
Take all of me,
Make me one with You
Live your life through me
On the altar

So take my hands and make them yours
Serve through me
On the altar
And take my heart and make it yours
Love through me
On the altar

Take my lips and make them yours
Speak through me
On the altar
Take my feet and make them yours
Go through me
On the altar

Destroy what is me
Create what is You
Take away the old
Make everything new
Jesus, I come to you
So that once again
I can lay me down
On the altar

As my flesh is consumed
May the smoke become perfume
So that all who see
May sense You in me
As I lay me down
On the altar

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