Monday 26 February 2018

I'll be there (a poem)

I'll be there

(by Amos Bohoussou)

When hope you seek,
During the days that seem bleak,
Just take a peek and I'll be there.

When there is no one to be found anywhere,
Don't fall to despair,
I promise I'll be there.

When you think there is no one that will dare to care. Just remember I'll be there.  Yes, I'll be there. I'll be there.

Loneliness in the midst of pure darkness,  arrives the feeling of hopelessness; 
that could without a doubt lead to shear madness. Where can one find a glimpse of joy within a world filled with brokenness, filthiness, sadness, lawlessness, and wickedness? And these infamous things go on and on; they are viciously continuous. Verily, verily not all in this world are saints nor pious. There are many who stand for lies, they don't want the truth their judgment is already bias. But there must be a source somewhere for those who thirst for righteousness
And last time I checked it is not found in the soul. No, it's not down there.

When hope you seek,
During the days that seem bleak,
Just take a peek and I'll be there.

When there is no one to be found anywhere,
Don't fall to despair,
I promise I'll be there.

When you think there is no one that will dare to care.
 Just remember I'll be there.  Yes, I'll be there. I'll be there.

I've been going north, south, east to the west.
I'd tried the many things I thought for me were the best. They weren't satisfactory for me; they did not stand the test. I tried building my home on sinking sand and boy there was no peace nor rest. For when storms came, my home fell apart and became a devastating mess. I will confess that I felt more or less like I had been crushed into nothingness. Then one day I cried out aloud and I am found in this dwelling place where I am surrounded by an abundance of mercy, goodness and loving-kindness. All due to the day when I listened to a still small voice in my stillness. Aww...true happiness.

When hope you seek,
During the days that seem bleak,
Just take a peek and I'll be there.

When there is no one to be found anywhere,
Don't fall to despair,
I promise I'll be there.

When you think there is no one that will dare to care. Just remember I'll be there.  Yes, I'll be there. I'll be there.

Sunday 25 February 2018



(by Andrew Bangalan)

Come Holy Spirit
Fill our hearts
Kindle in us
The fire of your love
Let me know your

Let your will be done
Let go of our hate
Let love be our way
Let’s pray to our God

The world is broken
It needs more love
Let the hurt be healed
And love take it’s place

Let riches mean nothing
Let our soul be it all
Love is our way
Mercy be in our hearts

Power means nothing
When only God has it all
He controls the universe
No law can change

Blessed are you
Who do good
You who pray
Intercede for those
That know not the way

Let love be all
All be love
Let us try
Harder not to sin
Forgive us our Lord

That we stay with God
He is all. All in us
Let us be
The saints
We need to be

The edge of our dreams
Fullness of joy
Transform our heart and minds
We are your children
This time we will do it right

Viens Saint-Esprit
Remplis nos cœurs
allumes en nous
Le feu de ton amour
Fais-moi savoir tes chemins.

Que ta volonté soit faite
Lâchons-prise de notre haine
Laissons l'amour être notre chemin
Prions notre Dieu.

Le monde est brisé
Il a besoin de plus d'amour
Que la blessure soit guérie
Et que l'amour prenne sa place.

Que la richesse ne signifie rien
Que notre âme soit tout
L'amour est notre voie
Que la miséricorde soit dans nos cœurs.

La puissance ne veut rien dire
Quand seulement Dieu a tout
Il contrôle l'univers
Aucune loi ne peut le changer.

Béni soit tu
Qui fais le bien
Toi qui pries
Intercède pour ceux
que ne connaissent pas le chemin.

Que l'amour soit tout
Tout soit amour
Essayons plus fort de ne pas pécher
Pardonne-nous notre Seigneur.

Que nous restons avec Dieu
Il est tout. Tout en nous.
Soyons les saints que
Nous devons être.

Le bord de nos rêves
Plénitude de joie
Transformes notre cœur et nos esprits
Nous sommes tes enfants
Cette fois nous le ferons bien.

GRACE (a poem)


(by Earl Fecteau)

Modern man
is no friend to silence,
and an enemy of time as well.
He puts not God before distraction
and if he comes to God, 
it's with senses swelled.

And I am one
of these modern men,
who is come before Him to admit;
I'm not experienced in listening,
to anything but counterfeit.

Nor have I found, the white-caned truths
that an un-blessed sight entombs.
And I came because, a seed that lands,
upon the path, is doomed.

A single seed, on a barren path,
a naked Adam, compromised.
The raven's quarry to spy and snatch,
when he flies over, with that piercing eye.

But a guided blade from Eden's gate
angled upward to meet the sun.
And curled the rays of heaven's light,
searing the raven's eye to shut.

"I'm blinded", cried the raven,
but the seed it heard him not.
"It's time", intoned the dust below,
"to bore into the heart".



(by Andrew Bangalan)

The beloved one
I will walk before
The Lord in the land
Of the living
We the the beach
We the the ocean
We the are eternity
We the the wedding banquet

Your love, only your love
Risen 2016

I do it for you God
All for you
Self emptying
To return with full
Life...full of joy

I found God
In the love of a little girl
So wonderful
So much beauty
In a little love

My memory of you
Sustains me
Bridge to God
The little boy

Who gave his life
Smile with love unending

Pray for unending grace
Pray for a little more love
Forgiveness is the way
Share a little more time
With God
Be a little better
Sing a little longer
Sing with a bit more love
Let happiness shine through

Love shine through
Sadness be no more
Think with more soul
Soul in our hearts

Let love be the way
God be our father
So be good for goodness

No coal in our hearts
Being hard is not our way
Our hearts full of soul
Journey to heaven
And back

Pray for love to remain
Let love be full of grace
No evil in our hearts
Be one with universe

Be alive with Spirit
Talk with one voice
Let hurts be gone
Love all you can
Then give a little more

Be a friend
Think higher than this world
Beyond all the riches
Just think of one on the cross

Let love remain
Eat sparingly
Live a small life
But with a big heart

Let love remain
See a little brighter
Listen a little more
Talk to God all the time

Hear our hearts
Pray for more love
In our world

Pray to our God
For wisdom
For peace
For unity

Mercy for sins
We cry for you
Oh God
Show your face

To us our Lord
Longing for your love
Our God
Listen to our cry
More justice

More equality
Be more sensible

Thursday 15 February 2018

Our father in the sky (a poem)

Our father in the sky

(by Andrew Bangalan)

We are so loved
By high above
Be true to your heart
When we are infinite
We do God’s ways
Our father in the sky

Love is our law
Charity is our mantra
Serve others is our way
Unity is how we pray

Our soul is our life
Family is our core
Church is our home
Heaven is where we belong

Life is unending
With our God
Our father gives
Us everything
Love is our commandment

Serve others is our way
Life is but a second
When the soul lives on and on
No sinner left behind

Wednesday 14 February 2018

« MeToo » et la drague (un commentaire)

« MeToo » et la drague

(par Olivier Domingue)

Le mouvement «MeToo» a beaucoup fait de bruit dernièrement remettant ainsi en question certaines pratiques de drague. On tente parfois de provoquer les choses de manière un peu crue pour gouter au doux plaisir d'avoir un être aimé à chérir. Comme toujours dans notre vie, il faut, pour notre propre bien autant que celui des autres, s'assurer d'agir éthiquement dans ce dossier épineux. Quelques points méritent particulièrement notre attention comme chrétiens.

Premièrement, on doit flirter dans le but de connaitre davantage l'autre plutôt que comme si l'on souhaitait gagner à une sorte de jeu. Le mouvement «MeToo» a reproché aux hommes leurs compliments importuns, douteux et bien souvent voués à signifier un désir sexuel. Savoir s’il l’on désire sexuellement une femme ne prend qu’un instant, mais cet être, on doit le prendre tout entier, il faut donc en savoir plus. Donc une approche plus saine serait de poser des questions sur les aspects visibles de la personnalité de l‘autre parce que l’on est sincèrement intéressé à savoir qui elle est.

Deuxièmement, comme cela a été largement médiatisé, un non veut dire... non, rarement un oui qui n'attend que notre insistance. Si la femme que l‘on désire aime jouer à un tel jeu de séduction, comment alors faire avoir une relation authentique si le doute s’installe dès le début sur les termes d’affirmation de soi les plus basiques?

Troisièmement, le flirt doit cibler le long terme. En dehors de «l'Église me dit de me marier avant de faire quoi que ce soit alors je le fais», il y a de bonnes raisons à opter pour une relation à long terme. Nommons entre autres que connaitre l’autre demande du temps et que la relation s’enrichit avec cette connaissance mutuelle, qu’une relation stable permet la construction d’un véritable projet de vie à long terme et que, si l’intention première en était une sexuelle, alors même sur ce point, une relation durable a plus à offrir, et ce plus souvent qu’une relation sans lendemain.


Tuesday 13 February 2018

Button Poetry's Neil Hilborn performing "OCD" (Rustbelt 2013)




(by Samuel Farrugia)

`` we see in a mirror darkly, but then we will see face to face. 
Now I know in part,
but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known.``

The curtain's been withdrawn, welcome to our story!
The vanity of our image shines in you!
Our legacy is secure, you're destined for glory!
Your steps we will guide, chosen among the few!
The rule is simple, just one thing you mustn't do!

A haunting whisper is bourn on the evening breeze...
My ears are filled with forbidden truths
Time stands still as I read among the trees
A new script summons me my mask to lose

Flitting through the tranquil wood
a vision of beauty my meditation disturbs
my spirit enquires...No!
Alas, you are not free and I am unknown
Tearing...tore...torn...all claim to you I disown
it seems this battle is mine alone

The old voices are shrill with anger
The veil is removed!  You broke the creed! 
We don't know you anymore!
You're a foreigner, you must leave
Exile awaits you...far beyond the trees

Reeling from revelation, exhaustion makes me kneel
fearful hands grope darkened branches
burdened by shame that fig leaves can't conceal
the setting sun my loneliness enhances

Surrounded by drought, mocked by mirages
My cracked lips bear the kiss of Judas
I'm a pilgrim, I have no home
the black sky has a face of stone
as I lie down alone
I wonder if I will ever be whole
sleep cannot be found
during the long, dark night of the soul

I will return to the garden
to weep among the ancient trees
to mourn that which could have been
Wrapped in sackcloth I collapse beneath the boughs
alas, my weary frame with respite is endowed

In this hallowed space
the Creator manifests grace
nocturnal visions disclose passionate dances
with the one who could dull this ache
lashes flutter...and then, I awake...
your eyes fill mine...your beauty my aimless spirit entrances
Washed in moonlight...your smile to faith speaks a dare
My tortured heart is at once set free
as the curtain closes on my nightmare

I can wish for nothing else
You've introduced me to myself
The sun rises at the end of our embrace
we rise and walk with steady pace
love illuminates the path as we advance...hand in hand
hopeful eyes share a common vision...of the Promised Land.



(par Samuel Farrugia)

la brise de l'amour a caressé mon visage
alors que je me promenais sous un ciel dégagé
je me suis penché pour cueillir une fleur des champs
alors que je sentais l'odeur du printemps, c'est ton visage qui m'est apparue
je me suis étendu là, au sein de la beauté des champs verdoyants
loin des ambitions, loin des conflits de mon âme, loin du bruit des régions peuplées
comme ça, je pouvais laisser mes pensées planer sur le vent et danser avec les nuages
les nuées ne décident aucunement du sens de leur existence, 
ni du chemin qu'ils suivront jusqu'au moment ou ils disparaîtront a jamais dans l'étendue céleste
ils ne sont aucunement libres de choisir celles qui leur accompagneront
lors de leur voyage éphémère au sein de l'espace
je me sens poussé, tout comme une de ces formes fragiles, en constante transformation,
à la merci du vent
tu m'as réveillée, comme un rayon du soleil qui pénètrent la noirceur de la solitude
la brise de l'amour a soufflé sur moi, et je constate que poursuivre ton amour,
c'est beaucoup plus que la vanité.

HER (a poem)


(by Samuel Farrugia)

What is this novel way of expressing life?
From whose eyes have come this blinding vision?
From where surges this newfound strength?
From what spring bubbles this unexpected joy?
On what breeze arrived this deepest of laughter?
What has provoked this unceasing restlessness?

I cannot sleep
I cannot awake
I cannot stop
I cannot bear it
I must the point of distraction
I cannot pause to call to mind...

her smile
her laugh
her voice
her penetrating gaze
her tender presence
her gentle power

her and this the sign?

she has obsessed me
she has captured me
she has inspired me
she has enthralled me
she has overpowered me
she has bewitched me

she and me...could it be?

soon...I must bare my soul
soon...I must take the leap of faith
soon...I must believe my heart
soon...I must be freed by truth
soon...I must surrender my dreams
soon...I must confess my her

Friday 9 February 2018

Poet worth reading: Malcolm Guite



(by Samuel Farrugia)

Empty lobby, cold bench
Grasping after fading memories…
Smelling of cigarettes, urine
Loneliness sits, a suit jacket complimenting the customary pyjamas
Talks of the day, talks of aches and pains, talks of God
A smile, firm handshake, good-nights all around
It’s time to take his pills
All it takes is fifteen minutes
And a listening ear
to solve this world’s ills. 

STORY (a poem)


(by Samuel Farrugia)

“So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!”  Second Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians 5.17

The backdrop, the props, the characters have changed
But as for the script, it always remains the same
I want to change my tone of voice,
but I’ve only given myself one choice
In this never-ending story of my life

I want to go back, I want to go on
I’m stuck in limbo, I can’t hang on
I’ve fallen so hard, I’ve fallen so fast
Will I ever find true love at last?

I’ve searched far, I’ve searched wide
For this illusive …..something
I know I need, I can’t define
Something to fill the void inside

Another leap in the dark
Falling…down, down I go
There’s nothing left to grasp
Can’t I hang on to hope?

I said I love you
I’ve removed every shadow of doubt
They hung me so high                                                             
My blood poured out

I felt your pain
I saw your tears
I couldn’t avoid your nightmare
The nails riveted me to your every fear
I made myself naked
I took the gamble
I gave it all …I paid the price
For those who don’t know the purpose of life

What else can I do
To win your heart?
You think you can love without any pain
As all your dreams go down the drain

Are you tired of settling
For second best?
Won’t you come to me…
I’ll give you rest
Take a leap into the light
And let me re-write your life.

“ON THE ALTAR” (a poem)


(by Samuel Farrugia)

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God,
to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God,
which is your spiritual worship.  Do not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your minds,
so that you may discern what is the will of God—
what is good and acceptable and perfect.”  Letter of St. Paul to the Romans 12.1-2

 You laid yourself down
On the cross
They drove in the nails
And let You die
But You were raised
To be evermore alive

I lay me down
on the altar
Drive in the nails
And let me die
Then raise me up
To new life

Jesus, today I choose
To follow You to the altar
To die with You
To be raised with You
To be one with You
On the altar

So take my life
And give me Yours
I receive your life
On the altar
Re-create me anew in your image
Let me spend my life
On the altar

Jesus, I give myself to You
I lay me down
On the altar
Take all of me,
Make me one with You
Live your life through me
On the altar

So take my hands and make them yours
Serve through me
On the altar
And take my heart and make it yours
Love through me
On the altar

Take my lips and make them yours
Speak through me
On the altar
Take my feet and make them yours
Go through me
On the altar

Destroy what is me
Create what is You
Take away the old
Make everything new
Jesus, I come to you
So that once again
I can lay me down
On the altar

As my flesh is consumed
May the smoke become perfume
So that all who see
May sense You in me
As I lay me down
On the altar

THEOLOGY BLUES... (a poem)


(by Samuel Farrugia)

Haven’t you heard?
I’m a theology nerd
Too smart for church
Too dumb for those liberal jerks
What will I do?
My bills are due
Maybe I’ll come and live with you
And we can argue about Arius and Marcion
And reminisce ‘bout when we’d get our freak on
Before we went to Bible school
We can just watch the tube
And sing the theology blues...
Almost lost my faith
Can’t seem to find love
It always flies away just like a dove
My hope begins to fade
But then I start to pray
It’s OK, tomorrow’s another day
Maybe they’ll let me teach
God knows they won’t let me preach
The theology blues... singin’ those theology blues...



(by Samuel Farrugia)

“…And all of you must clothe yourselves with humility in your dealings with one another, for ‘God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’  Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you in due time.”  First Letter of St. Peter 5.5b-6

It’s so easy to let your head swell

When on your triumphs and trophies your mind dwells

When the applause rings loud

And you’re in control of the crowd

When it’s you they admire

And more of your talent they desire

It’s so easy to forget the One

From whom your talents come

We must use them for His glory

…end of story

if I puff myself up, I’m gonna stumble

so Lord, please keep me humble

Long Defeat

  Long Defeat (Sam Farrugia)   “It’ll be over by Christmas”, the soldiers used to say But Dad, we never used to celebrate Christmas,...